I would never claim to be a grammar expert. Fine, that's not true; I would claim that, but I would be wrong. Maybe. However, I've been around long enough to have certain grammar/spelling pet peeves, and the it's/its phenomenon is right up there at the top of my list. If I had a penny for every time I saw a sign--some obviously professionally done and others not so high-budget--with the it's/its error, I'd have over 57 pennies. Which wouldn't be enough to buy much, but it would be heavy. And I'd be angry about having to carry around so many pennies.
Still, the quickest way to start a fight with me is not to make the it's/its mistake. It's to accuse me of not knowing the proper way to use those words. Don't believe someone could get so mad about something so seemingly trivial? Well, then explain how, when I thought about this old blog post today, my fists instinctively clenched. I'm not saying it's a good thing. I don't think I could find even one person who'd say it's a good thing. But it's the truth. In all its glory.
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